Some interesting responses have been posted in the past week to the EU's AI Strategy published on 19 February 2020. Now mainstream media take a position, too. Here is a reaction published by Fortune: The problem with the EU’s A.I. strategy
AISB @ Big Data & AI World AISB Chairman Dr Bertie Müller will be chairing the Keynote Theatre on Day 1 of Big Data & AI World in March at the ExCeL Exhibition Centre in London. on Day 2 he will be part of a panel on Putting AI into Practice and also ...
Mitsuku wins 2019 Loebner Prize and Best Overall Chatbot at AISB X
For the fourth consecutive year, Steve Worswick’s Mitsuku has won the Loebner Prize for the most humanlike chatbot entry to the contest. This is the fifth time that Steve has won the Loebner Prize. The Loebner Prize is the world’s longest running Turing ...
AISB X: Creativity Meets Economy
This public and business outreach event will take place on 12-15 september 2019 in Swansea. It incorporates a new and extended chatbot & conversational AI show (Loebner Prize) as well as an art exhibition exploring the nature and interplay of creativi ...
AISB supports CLAIRE
CLAIRE is a new initiative by the European AI community that seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation. To achieve this, CLAIRE proposes the establishment of a pan-European Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europ ...
Sources of Funding for Public Understanding Initiatives
Activities and Funding for Researchers (EPSRC). Intediciplinary Collaboration (NESTA) - parts of this cover PU activities. Beacons for Public Engagement (RCUK) - list of university based collaborative centres. Communication Skills and Media Trai ...
What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence is a broad discipline. It contains many diverse subfields and it has strong links to areas such as Cognitive Science and Philosphy of Mind. The term "Artificial Intelligence" was first coined by Prof. John McCarthy for a Conferenc ...
Studying AI and Cognitive Science at University
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science - or a combination of the two - are amongst the most exciting and valuable subjects you can study at university. This page is intended to give you some idea of why you might want to choose these subjects for ...
Getting Involved in Promoting AI and CogSci
The future of AI and CogSci depends on a continued supply of able and enthusiatic young people studying the subjects at university and being interested in moving into research. An important prerequisite for this is encouraging children and young people t ...